Monday, October 31, 2016

Philippines IP Strategic Plan

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The Philippines IPO is often praised as a great example of how a South East Asian government can take initiative and charge of implementing IP improvements in its country.  The Philippines IPO have through their efforts had the county removed from the USTR Priority Watch list in recent years. This came about through initiatives such as the National Centre for IPR Enforcement, which helps coordinate IP enforcement , the responsibility for which sits among many government departments. 
A week ago at the sixth Philippine Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Summit, deputy director-general Allan Gepty announced their second IPR Action Plan for 2017-2022. This 5 year agenda aims to address several matters. This includes legislative changes such as secondary trademark liability for landlords and internet intermediaries. The IPO has already made an initiative to target intermediaries through other support in laws but now seeks direct clear liability. They will also introduce online industrial design filing and new payment options for applicants. This follows the online filing systems for trademarks which already operates.

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