Showing posts with label Laos Trademark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laos Trademark. Show all posts

Monday, July 6, 2020

Laos Trademark law implementation

Flag of Laos | Britannica

Laos is one of the smallest IP markets in SE Asia. The Amended Law on Intellectual Property No. 38/NA was published in May 2018 but many parts did not take effect immediately or needed more guidance. 

In early 2020 Decision No. 2822/MOST took effect to clarify many of the Trademark provisions of the Amended law. Areas covered include:

- Services marks are now allowed
- The detail for how to register 3D marks are set out
- There are more detailed rules on filing through local agents under Powers of Attorney
- Renewal deadlines are shortened. 
- Assignments and licenses must be recorded at the Department of Intellectual Property
- Examination and opposition periods and the registration timeframes are set out
- Cancellation procedures are described
- Appeal procedures are described

In 2018 the number of trademark filed exceeded 5,000 for the first time. Local applicants numbered 249. Applicants can expect filings can become easier.